Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Thanks, IDEAL!

Want know more about teaching online?

Check out this podcast interview with yours truly in the IDEAL monthly newsletter.

I don't want to sound egotistical, but I'm kind of proud of myself...

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Happily Back At It Again!

We're entering the Third Week of the Semester, and I couldn't be happier with how well ENG 112 Online is going!

One of the BEST revisions I made to my online teaching environment is I used Camtasia to create an audio and visual screen recording to help my students better understand my expectations, how the course is set up, how to create a blog, how to edit a wiki, and how to succeed in ENG 112.

I strongly recommend using a technological tool like Camtasia to solidify your course expectations with distance learners. Plus, they get a feel for who you are, which I think personalizes the whole online learning experience.

I'm really looking forward to this semester! My online students seem very ambitious and contribute fantastically to the Discussion Board and Wiki.

What a blessing!